Sunday, April 4, 2010

Apple I-Pad unearthed::::

The most awaited I-PAD:::::::::::Secrets has been revealed by Luke Soules within an hour of the launch

Details are as follows:

The secretive Apple is famous for designing sealed-up devices intended to discourage nosy gadget heads from poking around in them, and the iPad was no different.

The iPad had no screws. But working with a tool called a spudger, it took Soules only 10 minutes to separate the iPad's handsome, 9.7-inch facing from its silver-backed casing.

He surveyed the iPad's design, a maze of parts that would be utterly inscrutable to most people.

"That's very, very nice," he said almost reverentially.


Teardown firms are hired by an array of clients, their data used for competitive intelligence, in patent disputes or to keep current on industry benchmarks.

By 9:30 a.m., Soules had turned the iPad inside out and was sharing its secrets with the world.

There is strong competition to be first to tear open Apple devices and reveal the design, chips and components within and iFixit has gained a measure of fame for their work.

Months of anticipation had built ahead of the iPad launch and -- at least in technology circles -- almost as much excitement about what's on the inside of the device.

Within 45 minutes, iFixit had left the iPad -- the gleaming symbol of Apple's technological wizardry -- in tatters, its various parts naked against a crisp white backdrop.

Soules moved at a rapid clip, narrating as he took pictures and streamed to colleague Kyle Wiens and others in California, who were posting them online and helping identify parts.

IFixit's near-live teardowns have become staples for gadget fans during Apple product launches.

As a veteran of many previous efforts, Soules was prepared for any tricks Apple might throw his way, but the iPad didn't prove to be too enormous of a challenge to take apart, as some of previous devices have.

Soules had removed the main circuit board of the iPad by 10 a.m. The 4-inch long, 1-ounce board was covered by an electromagnetic interference shield, and underneath were all the microprocessors that make the device tick.

"The vast majority of the brains of the iPad are on this little board. It's amazing what they can fit into such a small space," Soules said.


One of first identifiable parts was the NAND flash memory, which was made by Samsung Electronics, which has supplied components for other Apple devices. Soules also quickly noted chips from Broadcom Corp and Texas Instruments Inc.

There were also at least three chips carrying Apple branding. Apple is known to hide the identities of some chipmakers in its products by having them stamp an Apple logo on their parts. The main iPad chip is an Apple creation; its very own A4 processor controls the iPad's programs.

After removing the circuit board, Soules dug in further using a Torx screwdriver to manipulate the minuscule screws inside THE iPad. His fingernails gingerly pried open casings.

"The teardown process is bit easier if I keep my fingernails on the long side," he said.

Soules discovered the iPad's battery is not soldered into place, which means that replacing it is possible for the do-it-yourself crowd. IFixit promotes device repair as a way to cut down on electronic waste.

Apple requires users to mail iPad units back to the company, which will change the battery for a hefty fee.

By 10:45 a.m. Soules was cautiously fiddling with the iPad's display, the most expensive component. A big question is who makes it, but that question was not answered definitively. He peeled back a sticker, hoping to see a manufacturer's name underneath, but found only an indecipherable serial number.

"Not this time," he said quietly.

Besides Richmond, iFixit had also ordered iPads at addresses near Indianapolis and Orlando, Florida. The company had people in both areas, home to FedEx shipping hubs.

IFixit thought it might be able to get a few hours jump on the competition by staking out the FedEx hubs the morning of the launch, to intercept one of the devices.

But that didn't pan out, so they resorted to standing in line -- at the head of the line actually -- in three cities.

The Federal Communications Commission also managed to steal at least some of iFixit's thunder. Bloggers discovered on Friday that the FCC had posted pictures of the insides of pre-production iPads on its Web site, despite the fact that Apple had requested that they keep them confidential.

IFixit spent much of the night identifying the parts, which were not necessarily the same as those in real iPads.

By noon on Saturday, the bulk of the iPad teardown was done. But there will be at least another week of analysis, using sophisticated equipment that can cut into components to determine how they were made, and who made them.

Some ripped out images for u::::::::::::::

And most important of all::: Check out full details on Ifix website

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Google adds more STARS to its search

Now star mark your search results.........
We all have wasted lots of time to search back results we once found....
No more. Today Google announced a new feature in search that makes it easier for you to mark and rediscover your favorite web content — stars.

With stars, you can simply click the star marker on any search result or map and the next time you perform a search, that item will appear in a special list right at the top of your results when relevant.

The great thing about stars is that you don't have to keep track of them. You don't even have to remember whether or not you starred something. Simply perform a search and you'll rediscover your starred items right when you need them.

For more details visit Google Blog

Increasing Java Heap Size & Largest prime Number

Today I was trying to do this nonsense of computing large prime numbers....
Very soon I found out that the largest prime number known as of now "contains 13 million digits".
More details can be seen on wikipedia.

Well jokes apart......
I am using java and I came across the fact that the default maximum size of java heap is 128 M.
This is truly frustrating as for large scale applications this is sure to give "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error or may be slow results.

We can simply increase the heap space by providing a VM arguement with the program.

For eg if ur java class name is MyJava.class. You can run the program with increased heap size uing the command:

>>java -Xmx256m MyJava

or in case of IDEs just supply the vm args under the Arguements tab as -Xmx256m and run the program.

This is an example to run program with heap size 256m, you can use any desired value provided that you have the resources.

Note: This is not a permanent change to the jvm,,,, heap space is permited only for once for the specific deployement.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Deleted libmysqlclient15 or package missing

This is something really wierd I did few days back. 

libmysqlclient15 is no more available in the repositories as it has been replaced by the latest version 16. 
But mysql admin still needs the old version to run. So we must have old version to run the mysql from terminal

Dont panic just reinstall the package libmysqlclient15off. You can do it from the synaptics package manager or just type
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15off --reinstall.

This package is also important as amarok, mysql workbench and few other important packages are dependent on it. Though all of them can use the newer version but mysql server can not be run without libmysqlclient 15..... This is bad and I hope will soon be solved.

Note: Dont even think of uninstalling and then installing again..... It will wipe out many packages which depend on libmysqlclient

Configuring MySQL Workbench (GUI tool)

Well very recently I had  a real bad time configuring MySQL workbench on my system.
Whenever I try to connect to the database using the "Connection Manager", it displays the error "" not found".

This happens to be a known bug in the workbench. Just dont linger around.... Simply create a soft link to the already existing  or may be u have another version 15.0.0.

Just type:
 sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

or if u have libmysqlclient 15.0.0 then 
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

The worbench will work like  a charm.